We have to abolish Regulation № 40, which gives the Ministry of Interior the right to retain data for every Internet-user

We have to abolish Regulation № 40, which gives the Ministry of Interior the right to retain data  for every Internet-user who has an e-mail, instant messaging software or simply surfs the web, appealed the member of the Parliament, Mr Nikolay Kamov during the discussion of the scandalous enactment.

He added that he could enter a request for its abolishment as a representative of the Bulgarian Parliament.
The discussion was chaired by the ombudsman of the Republic of Bulgaria Mr. Ginyo Ganev.

Arguments and reasons on the subject gave representatives of the Ministry of Interior, State Agency for Information Technologies and Communications, MPs, NGO members, journalist and many others.

The problem is that free citizens will be under surveillance; citizens who are not suspected criminal; not guilty nor defendant, Mr Bogomil Shopov explained, member of e-frontier.

He added that through the Regulation the State becomes the main violator of the rights and freedoms of the people, because the Ministry of Interior will have the physical possibility to use the gathered information for any other reason. According to Shopov this makes the Bulgarian citizen guilty until the proof of the contrary.
Nobody has the confidence and the guarantees that the guards will obey the rules, created by them, Dimitar Stoyanov, Bulgarian representative in the European Parliament, said to the audience.

It cannot be allowed an European Directive, which is the reason for the making of Regulation No 40, to violate the rights of Bulgarian citizens, he added.

Ekaterina Boncheva from the so called “Dossier Commission” said that the regulation resembles the totalitarian projects “Vihren”, “Pirin” and “Rhodopi”, which are related to bugging and surveillance of opponents of the political system of that time. This Regulation has no future, Boncheva added in conclusion.
The ombudsman of the Republic of Bulgaria, Mr Ginyo Ganev underlined that there should be a balance regarding the human rights, affected by the regulation.

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