

4   Articles

Чат контрол е „Задна вратичка“

Не сме го казали ние, а TechCrunch. В статията се споменава как Китай, наблюдава критични комуникации в САЩ благодарение на един подобен закон приет преди 30 години и алармира, че „чат контрол“ ще даде възможност за наблюдение на когото и каквото и да е в Европа. Решението на 30–годишния проблем е повече и по-силно шифроване, а „чат контрол“ работи точно в обратна посока. Прочетете и този материал за подробности. Защо обаче повечето държави силно лобират за „чат контрол“, с явното извинение, че е за правата на децата? Ако беше за техните права, то първо биха се консултирали с агенциите за закрила на децата и второ биха се вслушали в стотиците аргументи на експертите, които логично обясняват какво са проблемите на този законодателен пакет. Когато силовите органи, като МВР вземат решения по такива проблеми, едва ли можем да очакваме, че биха разумно обсъждали възможността да не превръщат всеки телефон в устройство…

What’s wrong with that?

Nov 4th Today the Ministry of State Administration and Administrative Reform has announces a tender for the purchase of 60 000 new licenses for Microsoft products by the year 2012. The interesting fact this time is that the order is specifically given for this company’s products. According to the Ministry’s press release, “The few examples of migrations to other platforms show a necessity of serious financial resources, including for retraining of the staff to work with the new software systems, as well as a long enough period of implementation.” What’s wrong with that? „The experts“ don’t have a clue what it is all about. The state will spend millions to purchase those licenses It will oblige our Administration to use this company’s products by 2012 It will give all the data, used or stored by the Administration, in the hands of a commercial organisation It will surrender the management of…

Facts: Microsoft lies

According to this information „Microsoft Bulgaria will provide about $1 million to build a national network for the training of 30,000 civil servants in computer skills, managing director Teodor Milev told journalists on Tuesday. On May 17, State Administration Minister Dimitar Kalchev and the director of Microsoft Bulgaria signed an agreement by which the state administration would receive 30,000 packages of MS Windows XP and MS Office XP software in Bulgarian. The cost of the programme products is $13,650,000 or $455 per package. According to the agreement, Microsoft Bulgaria will cover the training costs. “ This information is from 20 Jun 2002 and if you guest so, this never happened

Two civil organizations will approach the prosecutor's office today

Two civil organizations will approach the prosecutor’s office today. The reason is the new contract, prepared by the Ministry of State Administration, for software purchase, which is going to be signed with Microsoft. This was announced yesterday by /Open Projects Foundation /and the civil initiative /Spravedlivost (Justice)./ The signal to the Prosecutor is instigated by the Ministry’s call for tender, which seeks a supplier of 60 000 Microsoft licenses for the needs of the state administration. According to the lawyer of the two organizations, Mr Ivan Gruykin, the announced procedure may be interpreted as a criminal breach of trust, aiming to favour one of the world’s richest people – Bill Gates and his company. Apart from the Prosecutor, the organizations will approach other authorities as well, namely the Public Internal Financial Control Agency, which according to the Public Tenders Act possesses the power to stop the procedure. The two organizations…